Client: San Carlos Apache Tribe, AZ
Project: Priority Climate Action Plan

Blue Strike is currently collaborating with the San Carlos Apache Tribe to develop their Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) as part of the EPA Climate Reduction Pollution Grant. Building on the PCAP that was submitted in April of 2024, the CCAP will outline strategies to reduce GHG emissions across all sectors, focusing on near-to-mid-term actions that will offer the Tribe a roadmap carbon neutrality while also providing financial, cultural, and public health co-benefits. Our approach encompasses decarbonization planning, GHG and co-pollutant reduction analyses, targeted building and system efficiency strategies, designs for a large-scale solar project with optional batteries, development of a GHG inventory and associated reduction strategies, a workforce planning analysis, and identification of funding mechanisms to implement the CCAP. This plan will allow the Tribe to apply for additional grant funding to implement renewable energy projects, ensuring a strategic approach to becoming resilient, achieving energy sovereignty, and enhancing quality of life.