Resilience Division

Blue Strike's Resilience Division partners with local and state agencies, businesses and community-based organizations to advance zero waste programs, extended producer responsibility efforts and circular economy goals. We are actively supporting dozens of communities in compliance with SB 1383 by designing and implementing programs that strengthen capacity for organics management and edible food recovery. We work at the intersection of waste management and hunger alleviation to create more resilient communities. We collaborate to further sustainable food systems through increased adoption of regenerative agricultural and ranching practices that sequester carbon and improve soil health. The division collaborates with local governments, businesses, food rescue networks, and other stakeholders to identify and quantify existing regional efforts, develop next steps to enhance participation, improve collection processes, and ensure regulatory compliance. We support strategic planning, program design and development and boots-on-the-ground delivery of zero waste education, outreach and programming across communities. 

Additionally, the Resilience Division supports extended producer responsibility and circular economy programs, such as the California Carpet Stewardship Program working to develop innovative solutions for increasing collection, reuse, recycling and recyclability of difficult to recycle materials. Our principles have been on the forefront of circular economy innovations, building the operational systems that increase ease, convenience and adoption of zero waste behaviors. 

Blue Strike further supports resilient communities through our Energy & Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation planning efforts. Using a data-driven approach, we help communities assess and quantify vulnerabilities and develop tangible action plans to adapt to changing conditions. We utilize principles of diversity, equity and inclusion to incorporate solutions that meet the needs and values of vulnerable, disadvantaged and frontline populations into adaptation planning efforts. Incorporating nature-based and biomimetic solutions, we help communities work with natural systems to increase resilience to changing conditions.