Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
(Cal Poly SLO)

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly SLO) is currently engaging Blue Strike and Glumac for its comprehensive approach to climate and energy scenario analysis (CESA), which allows the evaluating and comparison of complex, multi-variable investment scenarios using a triple bottom line methodology that weighs the relative costs and the economic, environmental, and social benefits. The unique Blue Strike approach to scenario analysis allows Cal Poly SLO to conduct detailed analysis of different GHG reduction investment scenarios based on existing, planned, and future carbon mitigation measures, such as capital improvements, energy and water management, transportation, etc. Suites of user defined programs and/or projects can be prioritized based on financial performance (incl., Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return), as well as other key performance metrics (KPIs). The Blue Strike CESA tools processes and allow for tracking of program and/or project performance after implementation. Cal Poly SLO can integrate data from the Energy Information System to support scenario planning efforts, with the goal of having a smart tool with flexible planning dashboards that quantifies carbon reductions and financial performance over time.